IDEC launches its first Project within the scope of INDUSTRY 4.0:

“Implantation of the digital identity and smart contract”

We will try to transform production management in plant in a kind of digital management. We will base the project in technologies such as IoT, Cloud computing, Big data and Blockchain.

This will be the beginning of the innovative transformation of IDEC, as specialized SME in advanced composites materials technology, to a real Industry 4.0

This project is being supported by:

Arabako Foru Aldundia co-financed with European funds from FEDER. INNOEM-2019/00105

Basque Government trough its Agencia Vasca de Desarrollo Empresarial (SPRI) below the program INDUSTRIA DIGITALA 2019. Grant co-financed with European funds from FEDER. ID1559/19

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